Dear Future President

Dear future president,

I would want you to focus on how you want to be president. You need to work hard to become president. You have to care for all of us in the world because you will be in charge of a lot of stuff. There will be some stuff that you need to fix in our world. Becoming president is a big responsibility you need to pay attention a lot of stuff now. You need to stop the people who are just not liking black people or white people because why would people be rude of their skin. It’s really an issue with racism. You need to find a way to compromise the immigration to lit people come to our place but only if it’s not bad people to kill us or our future president. I need you to pay attention of what’s going on with the world. Don’t be nerves by becoming our future president because all the presidents that we had they had to go through it. Think of this you will be in charge of each and every place and one of us in the whole entire world. Watch the news to see what’s going on and then you will fix it.

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